Xbox One Instrument Adapters (Roll Limitless method)

This page contains instructions for using various non-Xbox One instruments on Rock Band 4 on Xbox One/Series using a Roll Limitless

Table of Contents

Changing the Firmware
Connecting the Adapter
Using the Adapter
Other Notes

Changing the Firmware

The Roll Limitless has a firmware which determines which console and instruments it can be used with

If the Roll Limitless is not already on an Xbox Compatible Firmware, you will need to change it (adapters shipped before June 18th 2023 will likely have PS4 firmware by default). You can switch between firmwares as many times as you like

You have the option to choose between Drums and Guitar firmware. Choose the instrument you wish to use. It is possible to change this later

See the Roll Limitless Firmware Page for instructions on updating

Connecting the Adapter

This section will describe the steps of connecting the Adapter to the Xbox. Do each step in the order they are listed

  1. Make Sure the Roll Limitless is not connected to the Xbox
  2. Turn on the Xbox
  3. Plug an Xbox One controller into the USB Port of the Roll Limitless
  4. Plug the microusb port of the Roll Limitless into the Xbox

Once the Roll Limitless is plugged into the Xbox, it will attempt to authenticate with the Xbox. Once Authentication is successful, a green light near the microusb port will come on. This should happen within 10 seconds. If it does not happen within 10 seconds, unplug the Roll Limitless from the Xbox, and replug it in

Using the Adapter

Once the Roll Limitless has connected, and the green light is on, the Roll Limitless should be usable on the Xbox. The buttons on the connected Xbox One Controller should work as expected on the Xbox. Inside of Rock Band 4, the adapter should show up as an instrument


If you are using drums, you will likely want to keep the Xbox Controller plugged in, so you can navigate the game using buttons.

  • If your drums have a MIDI OUT port, use a standard 5-Pin MIDI Cable to plug the MIDI OUT Port on your drums into the MIDI Port on the Roll Limitless.
  • If your drums don't have a MIDI Port, and only have USBMIDI, you can plug a USB hub into the USB Port of the Roll Limitless, and plug both the Xbox Controller and the drums into the hub. Alternatively, once the adapter is working, you can unplug the Xbox controller and plug the drums straight into the USB port of the Roll Limitless

Once connected, the drums should now work in Rock Band 4

NOTE: If you want to navigate menus in Rock Band 4 with the drums, you will want to enable Rock Band 4 Main Menu>Settings>Modifiers>Drum Navigation


If you are using guitar, you will likely want to unplug the Xbox Controller now. Once the Xbox Controller is unplugged, you can plug a guitar into the USB Port of the Roll Limitless. Once plugged in, the guitar should now work in Rock Band 4

NOTE: On Guitars with a Xbox or PlayStation button, that button will work as the Xbox Button. The rectangular button on the Roll Limitless (near the microusb port) will also work as an Xbox Button

Other Notes

  • The Roll Limitless can be plugged in before the Xbox is turned on. However, with some configurations the Roll Limitless will be unable to start. Unplugging the Roll Limitless from the Xbox and plugging it back in should get it working again it this happens.
  • If the Roll Limitless is not working, try unplugging it from the Xbox and plugging it back in. If anything gets out of sync when the Roll Limitless is starting up, it can cause the Roll Limitless to not work. Unplugging and replugging the Roll Limitless is a simple way to reset it
  • The Xbox One Controller is used for authentication when the Roll Limitless is plugged in, and when the Xbox is turned on. However, it appears to not be used after that, and can be disconnected once the Roll Limitless is working
  • The Roll Limitless does not currently pass audio through to the controller